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About Our Ministries

The Northport Family Ministry is a very active and vibrant ministry that we have here at the Northport church of Christ. We provide a great resource for our families that will help families grow and mature in the Lord as well as providing various activities for our young people to participate in. The goal of our ministry is to provide a God centered environment which we can grow, serve, and become more like our Savior Jesus Christ. We always give all the glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and pray that we will always do his will as we prepare for heaven.

Children's & Youth Ministry

Bible Classes

Our Middle school and High school have classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. In these classes we discuss many topics that help them on their journey to finding their own faith. We hope to use these classes to help them understand the Bible and Christ teachings so they can take the Word and spread it among their schools and peers and become leaders in the church.



We have a 6th - 12th grade devotional twice a month on Monday evenings. These will take place at various locations, such as youth room, member homes, or coffee shop. In these devotionals we talk about current events and how they affect our walk with God. These times are also just a time to spend together as like faith people.


AP Curriculum

In the summer of 2015 we began the AP Curriculum. This curriculum has been published by the Apologetics Press Company. It is and informative, engaging, biblically sound Bible school program designed by members of the Lord's church. This curriculum engages the children's minds and makes them love the word of God and also helps them as well become future leaders of the Lord's church.


Lad's to Leaders/Leaderettes (L2L)

Lads is a program designed to help train our young people as future leaders in the church (Proverbs 22:6) They have the opportunity to participate in different events that will help them become song leaders, preachers, teachers and lifelong servants for the Lord. Learn More >


Indian Creek Youth Camp

Every summer we get the have a weeklong session of camp. This is one of the most special weeks of the year for our ministry. Camp is a place where you can grow so much closer to God and to each other. We worship and have different bible classes everyday to help us mature in our faith. A week away from distractions of everyday life and a time spent with other Christians can really rejuvenate your soul. There are many different activities that kids get to participate in such as sports, swimming, archery, crafts, games and the thrill of being in God's creation. Our kids love camp and we hope that you will consider joining us this year.


Youth Activities

Here at Northport, we try to plan a calendar of activities that will be balanced ant the will serve our families and youth grow closer to the Lord. We offer the ability to be able to grow spiritually, serve others, fellowship with one another, and also have fun. We plan a variety of activities such as retreats, youth conferences,  service projects and also just fun trips to help us become more unified with each other.

If you are looking for a church family and have children between the ages of Pre-K to 12th grade we would love for you to come be our guest, so we can share more about the exciting and engaging Family Ministry that we have here at Northport.
College Ministry

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Young At Heart

The purpose of the Young at Heart is to serve the needs of our senior members of the congregation (roughly described as age 55 or older), by encouraging spiritual growth and fellowship through a number of activities, such as fellowship meals, trips, and various service projects. Learn More >

Young At Heart
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